What makes you afraid of AI?
I’ll give you one quick scenario that should help you understand the threat that we have upon us, and this is only from one particular angle — this isn’t the only thing it can do.
An AI that can instantly look at your web history, analyze your phone calls, your text messages, your spending habits, your travel habits, what time you leave for work, what time you get home, how often you stay out late, and then makes a profile of you which it then cross references with the people’s profiles you hang out with and it then determines the likelihood of you having too many drinks tonight because you always do or worse.
It profiles you and now it knows what Meyers Briggs type you are only much more precise. Given it knows you fairly well for using your phone calls, and conversations, aligning them with what you truly did, where you truly went, and figuring out just exactly how much you lie, how often you lie, and what you’re the most likely to lie about you’ve got yourself a manipulators dream.
Now, with this AI someone can set up a certain set of conditions which will most likely lead you to break the law, to lie, to do something you otherwise would never have done. Now, predicting what your actions were going to be and funneling you towards that outcome — the blackmailer sets it up so you have just what you need to go and steal that trophy, or sleep with that sexy young woman, etc. and they catch you live on film not once, but many times to make sure that you can’t weasel out of it.
Then, the AI sends you a message on your phone — the message is at a specific time and written at a specific way, using specific words which are most likely to cause you the most distress and panic — as it chose the worst time to give you the worst news and it knew that you would be desperate to keep your secrets quiet — now you’re officially paying 30% of your salary to some ‘church’ for the rest of your life as a happy member of society
That there would be one of a billion scenarios that this thing can do. It’ll be able to set you up and anticipate your actions and with the right motivated ‘gang stalker’ type on you then they can artificially create all the situations they need to in order to guarantee that they get dirt on you and then you are their slave.
Slavery — that is why I fear AI
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